Have you ever dreamt of being Maverick in the movie Top Gun? Well, dream no more! Thanks to companies like Air Combat USA and Fly Fighter Jet the dream is a reality. These companies offer a luxury experience/services of a lifetime. Contingent upon the plane and the flight you picked, you may get the chance to do some gymnastics in the stream, including circles, plunges, Immelmans, soak trips, rolls and then some. You may likewise have the opportunity to really control the warrior fly amid the flight, which will gain you boasting rights at home.
In case you’re feeling especially overcome, you can channel your best Maverick impression and fly in the MiG-29 Fulcrum with Air Combat USA. In the event that you need to do supersonic and Edge of Space flights, the MiG is your best – and just – alternative. A present day contender fly, it will take you to elevations of up to 13.7 miles high (more than 72,000 feet).
Envision yourself flying through the air in a genuine contender stream, filtering the skies around you for the foe flying machine you know is additionally hunting down you. At last, you see him at your 2 o’clock and the diversion is on as you move up, down and around trying to get in position for the ideal shot that will give you the dogfight triumph. You bolt him into your sights, press the trigger and watching the smoke envelop him as you remove him down and from the battle. You bank hard and head away looking for another objective. You are the Top Gun today!
So, be Maverick or Goose for a day with this luxury experience/services of a lifetime.